After having clarified the concept of Osteopathy, its origins and what is, I think it appropriate to deal with the theme of “when and who it is useful for a session of Osteopathy”.
Given the scant information in the field of health care, with which the professionals in this sector must be even today collide, unfortunately there is a great deal of confusion about the figure of the osteopath, not only as a professional but especially on when to ask his help, why and for whom. For this reasion, I’ll try to look more closely at each of these points:
The osteopath is not a magician. The osteopath is, as explained in the last article , a figure that has dedicated years of studies to try to rid the body of any sub-dislocations that generate points of blocks to the flow neuro-vascular. The success of this intent lies not only in the skills of professional, but especially from the antiquity of the lesion. By as much time as the latter is present and is supported by the patient, the more it defines “chronic“, and, as such, already subject to a state of their own adaptability of the mechanism of the human body which, once installed, it becomes almost impossible to solve completely. This does not mean that if you suffer from time of backache, a sitting of osteopathy is completely useless or contraindicated: Osteopathy helps, always. And always, if well executed, without any unintended side effect. It means rather that certainly not just a single sitting, and that inverting a process now chronic will be impossible, therefore we’ll be able to but to obtain a progressive improvement, even without couldn’t totally overcome our malaise, .
Another argument should be done if the painful symptom is treated at the exact moment in which it presents. If, then, the person decides to request an osteopathic consultance for time, before they are put into effect the above mechanisms of adaptation and chronicity, it will be much easier for the professional, to act and try to return the correct mobility to the patient, probably in a resolutive form.
The certainty of complete healing, once it has a disorder, does not exist. In any medical field, including surgical. This is why giving guarantees to a patient is simply impossible. Each case is itself and the path toward the recovery of wellness dynamic lives exclusive personal and of each individual. When, therefore, we can consider the best time to contact an osteopath? The answer is: in a preventive way. From the moment that the postural imbalances arise silently, without showing any symptom (at least in the short term), work on them when the person still does not complain no pain is absolutely the most opportune moment. It is in fact possible to identify them and free them, even before they become more critical and allow the onset of further problems. This results in an ever less likely to suffer from ills.
The great success of the osteopathic technique, lies precisely in its use as prevention. With an ordinary control, it is possible to maintain a correct posture, a freedom motion and functional and ensure a general welfare to the person.
Having regard to the form in which it is practiced, its scarce contraindications and its effectiveness in preventive phase and maintenance, osteopathy is a discipline manipolativa suitable for anyone.
For the youngest, ensures a regular postural control of growth, by checking the alignment of the spine and pelvis and distinguishing between what can be a real problem congenital of phase of ossification and that which is commonly called in the jargon doctor “false short leg“, caused by a scoliosis or by a rotation of the pelvic axis, improving, included, the rest of the foot. It is thus possible to avoid an arch support or, conversely, confirm where strictly necessary, but prevent the imbalances that it generates in its long use.
Through the postural control osteopathic, it is possible to note a net improvement at visceral, through any corrections of the ribcage, removing compressions or twists to be part of the same, which may affect pulmonary disorders gastrointestinal or.
Osteopathy is suited to adults, both who practices sports both who doesn’t, to monitor the postural imbalances generated by incorrect postures maintained for a long time, such as for example: who spent many hours driving, who sit in front of a computer, who tends to stay many hours standing, who sleeps in a wrong position, who brings eyeglasses and clutters the cervical section during a reading, who wears the plantar for years, who does the work of great effort, who simply never has time to devote to himself and entered into a chronic condition of sedentary life, people who practice sport at a competitive level, those who practice it ordinarily at amateur level. In a word: to everyone.
There is not a generic cure for every illness. There is only one therapy designed and adapted to the person and to ensure the success of the latter, is a teamwork: not only the professional but especially of the patient.
Prevention is better than cure.
“Maiora perdet, qui parva non servaverit ” (Who does not know how to treat the small things, also loses those big).