D.O. Chiara Ghinatti

Graduated in Osteopathy and in Palmar and Podale Reflexology

  • Guide to the development of child's growth
    Guide to the postural development of growth

  • Home assistance service (limited cases)
    Only for limited cases, it is possible to require the home assistance service.

  • Whatsapp
    Available free instant messaging

  • Sport prevention
    A preventive and preparatory therapy for sports-people

  • Bioelectrical survey of the spine
    Available spine's reading service, through switzerland bioelectric technology

  • Relief from general pains
    Handling and massage therapy, to disconnect the tension and re-assemble the psycho-somatic balance of the person.

  • BioQuantistic Resonance Evaluation
    Through an advanced american technology, it is possible to evaluate the organic-systemic condition of the person on the molecular plan

What a session is about

The Osteopathy Therapy, whose duration can vary from 30 to 75 minutes, involves the study and both visual both palpatory examination of the longitudinal axis of the body, whose hinge structures are the skull, the diaphragmatic pin and the pelvis. In one session, the patient is observed in its entirety: its' posture, its' balance, its' areas with muscular rigidity and, nonethless, its' greater restriction on movement. Most of all, are examined any individual vertebra of the vertebral column, and the respective nerves' plexuses, in order to evaluate the reflected and reported repercussions that can generate both on the organic both on the visceral level. In the same visit, are included the psycho-emotional factors that trigger any tensions, in order to accompany the patient in a path of awareness of his own person, and the blocking elements that involves the difficulty to the full liberation from the same. Each session consists of osteopathic manipulative techniques - evaluating the most suitable therapeutic plan for each subject, taking into account the age, the factors of risks, the inheritance and lifestyle of each one- and of combined reflexology techniques. With a first session you can notice a relief from pains such as neck pain, back pain, scapulo-humeral periarthritis, nausea, dizziness, intestinal tract disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, cystitis, pubalgia, coxalgia, pain in small joints, such as wrists, hands, ankles and feet, interscapular neuritis and postural stability. It is also possible to make use of a BioQuantistic Resonance Investifation, through an advanced, non-invasive, engineering method of American origin, which allows an accurate evaluation of the molecular stress organic agents. Through this last investigation, it is possible to evaluate the systemic-organic condition of the person, at the moment of execution of the same, and identify the very deep causes, such as: food intolerances, vitamin disorders, tota hydration, muscle mass, baro-podometric evaluation , total values of cellular oxygen and neurovegetative disorders.

Request an appointment

My mission is about to find out the personal wellness, in terms both of pain both of mobility, not only in the short period, but especially in the long one, by prevention and constantly in time.
My vision of the patient, is first of all focused on him or her as a Person, who's looking for not only a simple solution to a problem, but much better to a way of come back to ordinary life. As it is, this person deserves total rights in being respected humanly and informationally, about every step of the process, as the beginning moment, the very middle one, and the very last one of the therapy.
My technologies
In order to guarantee an accurate investigation, without any risk, as a concrete proof of benefits apported from a therapy cicle of session, it is used an innovative switzerland technology, totally radiation free, which uses bio-electrical impulses to read the entire spine, and give us a tridimensional image of the same, showing the exact position and reaction to movement of every singular spine's vertebrae process. It is also used  an advanced equipmet of American Derivation , founded on the principles of Quantum Therapy (molecular and cellular), able to provide a Bioquantic Resonance of the subjet, and show the exact values of its cellular oxygenative processes, of its baropodometric stability, of its muscle mass, and much more.

My specialisation

Give value to the patient through the prevention

Osteopathy is a manual technique  that does not involve any risk of side effects, suitable for both adults and children. Quite different from a relaxing massage, energizing massage or decontracting one, this therapy consists of a collection of ancient and modern techniques, adapted to rebalance the points of support of the person, therefore-although excellent in its curative efficacy- is precisely in its use as a prevention, that the latter proves to be very efficient. Through the prevention, is given full attention and full value to any patient.

Opening Hours


9:00 am - 12:00 am ; 03:00 pm - 07:00 pm


09:00 am - 12:00 am

Where you can find us

The osteopathic and reflexological service, provides the support of a full collaboration with the best professionals in the fields of Naturopathy. It is possible to access to the service in three different locations, according to the availability of the therapist
Modena: according to the professional prosence calendar on the place, it is possible to be visited in opening hours: Monday-Friday: from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 19:30 Saturday: from 09:00 to 12:00

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Ostuni: according to the professional prosence calendar on the place, it is possible to be visited in opening hours: Monday-Saturday: from 08.30 to 12 and from 15.00 to 19.30

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Tenerife: according to the professional prosence calendar on the place, it is possible to be visited in opening hours: Monday- Friday: from 09.00  to 12 and from 15.30 pm to 19.00 pm Saturday: from 09:00 to 12:00

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  • Naturopata Osvaldo Ghinatti
    Naturopata Osvaldo Ghinatti


    Father of professional Chiara Ghinatti. This professional  integrates with mere advice the re-balancing process of the subject.