After defining Osteopathy as the art of knowing how to diagnose and treat a certain pathology of the human body, starting from its muscular and skeletal structure, a reader could probably fall into error, arriving at the inexact conclusion that the Osteopath is a manipulator only able to dissolve muscular tension and stiffness along the vertebral column. Of course we are also this, but for a much greater goal: to dissolve a contracture, for us it means to avoid the strangulation of the nerve by the muscle fiber and eliminate the resistance that it affixes to the vertebral segments, to be able to manipulate them; manipulating a vertebra, or a group of these, for us is not to return to the patient a noise that is convincing, but allow the spinal nerve, corresponding to that level and with a precise, surgical and millimetric nerve irradiation, not to suffer compressions in no point of its fiber; likewise, this discourse extends to the entire vascular system, to favor the correct blood flow to the organs and, nevertheless, its return to the heart.
It is therefore equally inaccurate, and serious, to reproach to an Osteopath, ignorance of human anatomy and medicine in general. Since a serious professional of this sector, in order to apply the techniques, he is forced to know perfectly the Somatic and Autonomous Nervous System, the branch of each root, its path, the structures that embraces, those with which it intertwines, the others, among which gets space, the multiple directions it takes and the last destinations, be themselves muscular bundles in whole or only portions of organs, to which it sends a precise information. He is forced to know the Cardiocirculatory System excellently, the stroke of each arterial branch, the precise space it occupies in the human body and the areas to which it supplies oxygen, where, therefore, the vein supports it, and how this cooperates in cleaning and “recharge” this perfect machine. He is forced to know of every organ, muscle and viscera, the structure, functions, mechanisms of vitality, the enzymatic and chemical elements that regulate them, the innumerable pathologies that can affect them and the respective symptomatic manifestations. He is forced to know a human skull, perfectly, so that he can manage to know in how many holes, protuberances, depressions, curves and cavities, pass capillaries, fluids, nerves and muscles ; how the joints open and close, the geometric axis through which they dance, depending on the whole and intricate structure, made of bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin and much more, which is the complex of the human body, which everything does, unless moving by sectors. The work of an Osteopath starts from years of studies of anatomical atlases, books and practices. Years in which we are asked to be competent and ready to know the map of the case that arises, and to find a remedy, for one way or another.
All this path leads to different applicability of the Osteopathic art, leaving to the professinal the choice of using them all together, either one or the other, depending on the situation that presents itself.
We therefore speak of Structural Osteopathy, Visceral Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy.
The first is the basis of the others. Without exact anatomical knowledge concerning the mechanical and motor area of the human body, it is approximate and pretentious to try to devote oneself to the ones that follow. It is that part of Osteopathy that you perceive when the practitioner causes you a liberating sound noise, or when he embraces you and asks if you feel a certain painful pressure, and in a short time seems to have taken it away, after months, weeks or days that insistently accompanied you .
The second, is the second step: once you know the motility of an organism, you can examine the mobility of the mild, viscous, visceral areas that are enclosed in the “containing box”, and make sure that there are no tablets, crushed, or affections in its funcionality. It is that part of osteopathy that you perceive when the practitioner asks you to breathe deeply, and with your progressive relaxation, manages to go so far in depth that the organs seem to leave space to his hands.
The third is the queen of osteopathy. The mother of the two previous ones. The skull is the bone structure that provides protection to the mechanism that regulates the limits of a human being: the brain. Through cranial manipulation, it is possible to remove broad spectrum disorders: humoral, endocrine, structural, mechanical, neurological, ocular, auditory, masticatory, cervical, nasal, and much more. It is that part of osteopathy that you DO NOT perceive, the one in which the hands of the practitioner support your head, and you are tempted to let it go, and almost sleep.
Each of these techniques, used singly or together, if well done, changes the life of a person. Report wellness, in the long term. Each of these techniques is suitable for everyone: from the newborn to the elderly. Each of these techniques has its own reason to exist. So do not fall into the error of false information: Osteopathy has a thousand forms to achieve its goal, but never, under any circumstances, lies about its effectiveness and honesty.